Tuesday, April 3, 2012


You know those days when you wake up and you know you are going to have a good day? Well, yesterday was not one of those days. In fact it was just the opposite. My alarm went off at 5:45... 5:55.... 6:05..... then 6:15. My bed felt unusually comfortable and the crisp air in the room had me doing everything I could to just stay in bed. Finally, about 6:23 I rolled out of the covers. I threw on some clothes then went to work.

It was one of those times I secretly wished to get into an accident to postpone going to work. Instead, I was just late for being tired, which in most jobs, is looked down upon.. Anyway, this pattern continued throughout my day until I got home.

I looked at my scheduled workout for the day and did not feel like doing another work out inside. Around 7:30 I thought about going biking.., but it was too late. At 7:40, I thought maybe it would work, but probably not enough light.. Then again at 8:00, I decided to put the light on my bike and go.

I got my gear, my dog, my bike and headed out the door at 8:16. I got to the trailhead to find out the only light I had was dead. Great.. I decided to go anyway and try to push it as hard as I could (probably no faster than a slow walk) until I reached the top. Trying to go as fast as I could on an extended uphill climb, I reached the top in the dark and wanted to throw up. I rested at the top for a minute, gave my dog some water, went along the road for a minute then headed back down. Not being able to see, it was pretty slow coming down, but there was just enough light from the stars to stay on the trail.

I stopped for a minute to look around at the clear skies and how rad the mountains are at night. My dog was having the time of her life running around in the mountains and my mind was no longer worrying about the day, any of life stresses or worries. It just felt good to be on my bike outside in the mountains. It was a good night.
Even though I was feeling like I had overdone it and wanting to throw up, I felt better, more energized and happy. We got home at 9:15 and my day wasn’t too bad after all.

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