Saturday, May 5, 2012

It is always good to ride.

Saturday night around 6:30 Guthrie called to see if I wanted to go biking that evening. He had done a long one in the morning and I had gone on a run then lifted weights, but as we were bored,and quite frankly had both over eaten that day, we figured we would just go mess around. Big Springs up Provo canyon was sounding nice, so we couldn't resist. We climbed the trail reaching the bridge over the springs about dusk and then headed down.

With the sun quickly setting, taking pictures proved difficult.

However, one bit of advice, when taking flash pictures at night, stay a little farther back from the subject. After the flash went off in the above shot, Guthrie was blinded, lost the trail, ran into my bike and hit a tree (smallish bush, but tree sounds better).

Coming down we were messing around on the corners, sliding, carving and spraying dirt. This controlled slide, turned into a controlled slideout down the hill.

I smashed my stupid Tifosi glasses I had just placed in my pocket. I Learned a valuable lesson; even Grilamid 90 cannot stand up to 202 lbs landing on them.

As we returned to the car, a bit more slowly than usual, the lights were on at the park and as I looked at the rising moon I thought...It is always good to ride.

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